Questions related to admissions
Q: Does PUMS accept transfer students from other Universities? What are the requirements?
A: Unfortunately, PUMS does not accept transfers from other Universities.
Q: What are the approximate costs of living in Poland?
A: More information you can find here: http://go-poland.pl/cost-living-poland
Questions related to the Dentistry Program
Q: I am a dental student. How do I can get the locker at the Collegium Stomatologicum?
A: The locker room for dental students is available at Collegium Stomatologicum (address: 70 Bukowska str., ground floor). Students may use the lockers with electronic locks. The electronic lock can be set to operate in public mode (multi user) or in private mode (single user). Instructions are placed on the lockers.
Q: I’m interested in studying Dentistry. Can someone guide me around the University and can I sit one of the classes or enter into the clinics to see how it looks like?
A: There is possibility to arrange a tour around the University and the campus (contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Once you will be accepted into DDS/MD Program, a campus tour will be a part of your orientation.
Q: Do you offer preparation courses for the DDS applicants?
A: No, we do not. There are, however, other European universities that do have such programs in their offer.
Q: Does PUMS accept transfer students from other universities? What are the requirements?
A: We do not accept transfers from other universities to our English-language programs.
Q: How many courses will I have to study each year?
A: Detailed curriculum and plan of studies for each year can be found on our website: click here to follow the link
Q: How do I can make an appointment with the Associate Dean?
A: The Associate Dean is available in the Dean’s office and the students who need to see them must schedule an appointment by e-mailing to the appropriate dean’s office staff. Contact details for DDS office staff are available here: click here to follow the link
Q: How do I find more information about the LEK/LDEK exam?
A. Please visit the website of CEM (Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w Łodzi) at http://www.cem.edu.pl/english_info_ldek.php.
Q: Can someone else pick up my transcript or diploma?
A: Third party recipients must have documentation (i.e. a notarized letter, release of information, power of attorney) from the person whose diploma they are picking up, stating that they are authorized to obtain the diploma/transcript. They must have a current picture ID when they come to get the diploma/transcript.
Questions related to medical assistance
Q: How can I make an appointment to the doctor?
A: In order to make an appointment to the family doctor you should contact the Dean’s Office – Mrs. Anna Tomczak, tel. 61 854 72 24. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More information is available on the following link: https://pums.ump.edu.pl/student-zone/medical-psychological-assistance.html#medical-assistance
Q: How do I do the medical check up and Salmonella/shigella check-up?
A: PUMS students are required to undergo a medical check-up in order to confirm that they are fit to study medicine/ dentistry/ pharmacy/ physiotherapy.
Please use this time period to do the following:
A. Medical check-up
1) pick up your check-up referral at the Dean’s Office (or have a classmate or class representative do it for you – the document includes your name and DOB). The referrals are only valid for one month from the date they were issued.
2) visit the University Outpatient Clinic at 39 Przybyszewskiego St (small building next to Eskulap dorm), where you should undergo blood and urine tests. Urine sample cups are available in all pharmacies [“pojemnik na mocz”]. Tests can be done in the morning, between 7:30-10:20 am.
Collect further referral for chest x-ray (the Outpatient Clinic already has a copy of your x-ray report on file if it was a part of your application documents – in this case it is not necessary to repeat the x-ray examination).
3) If you do not have a valid chest x-ray results on file, visit the specialty outpatient clinic at 1 Szylinga St. to have the examination done: ground floor, entrance B. Opening hours are 8am to 3pm. Test results will be automatically sent to the Outpatient Clinic within 3 working days.
The check-up is mandatory and free of charge.
B. Salmonella/shigella check-up
According to the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Health all students of medical universities are required to undergo an epidemiology screening and obtain a booklet with results of this examination.
In order to acquire this booklet (“Książeczka sanepidowska” – “Sanepid’s booklet”), you should:
1) pick up referral notes from the Dean’s Office (valid for one month starting from the day they were issued),
2) buy three „fecal transport swabs” [in Polish: “wymazówka z podłożem transportowym”] in specialistic pharmacy in Voivodship Sanitary and Epidemiological Station at 60 Nowowiejskiego St. (Monday – Friday 8am-2pm or in other pharmacy)
3) go to the Laboratory of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Voivodship Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Poznan (Laboratorium Mikrobiologii i Parazytologii Wojewódzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Poznaniu) at 60 Nowowiejskiego St.
– give three stool samples (from three consecutive days, kept at low temperature),
– the laboratory is open Monday – Friday between 8am – 1pm,
– come back to the Lab one week after delivering the samples in order to receive the results of this examination which should be documented in the booklet bought in the lab (2,50 PLN).
After completing all the lab tests (A and B), please visit the University Outpatient Clinic at 39 Przybyszewskiego St. one more time to finalize your check up (doctor’s consultation: Mo, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9am to 2pm; Wed – 9am to 12 noon).
General questions
General questions
Q: What is the national background of your international students?
A: The current biggest nationality groups are as follows: Taiwanese, American, Canadian, Norwegian, Indian, British, Thai, Lebanese, Myanma, Irish.
Q: Where can I find information about courses offered by Poznan University of Medical Sciences?
A: All course descriptions are available on our website.
For Medicine : click here to follow the link
For Dentistry: click here to follow the link
Also, each program at Poznan University of Medical Sciences has its curriculum. You can find it on the PUMS website in each program’s tab:
Curriculum Overview for Medicine click here to follow the link
Curriculum Overview for Dentistry click here to follow the link
Q: Do students from countries that are members of the EU have to apply for the temporary stay card? Why?
A: Yes. All students have to legalize their stay in Poland with respect to the Act of 14th July 2006 on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members (Journal of Laws no 144, item 1043 as amended). Every student that is supposed to stay in our country more then 90 days has to apply for the temporary stay card. For more information please check: click here to follow the link
Q: Who is the Medical Program Assistant at the Dean’s Office?
A: Contact details for the Dean’s office staff at the Center for Medical Education in English are available on the following link: click here to follow the link
Q: How many classes can I miss?
A: The allowed number of missed classes is specified in the regulations of each course.
Q: My student ID card is damaged. What should I do?
A: If your student ID card no longer works or has been damaged beyond reasonable use, or if you have changed your personal details (in terms of the information displayed on the card), you should report it to the Dean’s Office and request in writing for a duplicate of ID card. Fee for the new ID card is 33 PLN. The fee should be paid into your individual subaccount number and you are required to deliver receipt of payment to the Dean’s Office. Please make sure to bring your existing card with you.
Q: My student ID card has been stolen. What should I do?
A: You should report it to the Dean’s Office and request in writing for a new ID card. You have to pay 33 PLN fee for a duplicate. The fee should be paid into your individual subaccount number. Please bring receipt of payment to the Dean’s Office.
Q: I am having a problem with a faculty member/teaching assistant. Where do I go for advice?
A: It is always best to discuss the problem with the faculty member/teaching assistant first. If that does not work or is not possible, please visit the head of the department where the course is delivered. If that does not work or is not possible, please contact the Dean’s office consultant Dr Andrzej Jawień at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Q: How do I can make an appointment with the Associate Dean?
A: The Associate Dean is available in the Dean’s office and the students who need to see him/her must schedule an appointment by e-mailing to the appropriate dean’s office staff. Contact details are available on the following link: click here to follow the link
Q: How many courses will I have to study each year?
A: Detailed curriculum and plan of studies for each year for both faculties can be found on our website: click here to follow the link
Q: Does PUMS accept transfer students from other Universities? What are the requirements?
A: Unfortunately, PUMS does not accept transfers from other Universities.
Questions related to dorms
Q: What kind of accommodation does the Poznan University of Medical Sciences offer and how much is it?
A: Poznan University of Medical Sciences offers four dormitories designated for English-based Programs’ students and these are Eskulap, Karolek, Medyk and Aspirynka: https://pums.ump.edu.pl/admissions/student-accommodation.html
They are located close to the Poznan city center.
The cost of living in our dormitory ranges from: 130 USD to 300 USD/month.
Q: When will I be able to make a dorm reservation? I already paid my deposit.
A: The information about dormitory application for incoming students is emailed to all newly accepted students (that is students who were sent official acceptance letters). You will receive an email requesting to log into your personal profile at PUMS applicant system and indicate your preferred dormitory facility and room type.
More details re dormitory accommodation for incoming students are available HERE: (open PDF file Information for Incoming Students –> go to section Dormitory).
Please note that due to a limited number of spots, we can only offer double rooms for incoming students.
Q: In the application there is a letter behind the selection of dorms saying m, f or b. That stands for male, female and both, or am I wrong?
A: Find below a Dormitory Room Type Explanation:
double room (b) = double room with both spots for either female or male residents
double room (f) = double room for female residents
double room (m) = double room for male residents
Q: I just wonder how the rooms in Karolek and Eskulap are designed. Does each room have its own bathroom or do they have to share on each floor?
A: In Karolek each room has its own bathroom, in Eskulap there is one bathroom in a suite which consists of two rooms.
Q: I wanted to know if it was possible to request a single room because I have a lot of allergies, severe to pets and some to food as well. If you could please direct me as to how I should proceed to to go about contacting the dorms or someone else that could help me that would be great.
A: Please note that due to a limited number of spots, we can only offer double rooms for incoming students. There are many students requesting single room accommodation due to their health condition and the School does not have as many rooms available to accommodate such requests.
Q: In order to obtain my Polish visa I need proof of residence for my stay. I know decisions for place of residence won’t be made until august but is there any document I could obtain that would prove that I have a place in one of the residences.
A: The University guarantees places in its dormitories to all incoming students who decide to stay in a dormitory.
Q: I actually signed up for Karolek on the online system for incoming students. Can you tell me when will I know if i can move in early to the Karolek dorm and which room i will have. I am leaving to Poland in a week to visit family and would like to know as early as possible where will I be staying and if I can move into the dorm early.
A: Please note that you indicated only your dormitory preferences in PUMS applicant system.
Assignments will be made after July 31 on a space-available basis.
The University will guarantee places in its dormitories to all students who decide to stay in a dormitory, but right now we cannot give you the name dormitory you will be assigned to.
Information confirming dormitory assignments will be e-mailed to all students concerned no sooner than the first week of August.
Q: I got accepted for your medical program. I am trying to reserve room in Aspirynka. Currently this room is occupied by my sister. She is graduating this year and I hope to take over renting this room. Can you let me know if you can help me in this matter. I couldn’t find application for the accommodation, and if you can email it to me.
A: It is not possible for you to rent the room your sister is currently staying in. There’s no such thing as inheritance of dorm rooms from the graduating students.
Q: I was wondering if it would be possible to pick a room I prefer since I’ll be arriving there earliest out of everyone. Also, I’m looking into arriving to Poznan around 2AM on August 12th so I was wondering if receptions operate 24/7? (to make sure I could get the key from my room).
A: Please note that incoming students are allowed to move starting from the first Friday after August 20th.
The University guarantees accommodation in its dormitories to 1st year students who express their wish for such accommodation and the choice of the dormitory is made by the University who has updated information regarding vacancies in particular dormitories. It is not possible for students to pick a dormitory in which he/ she will be placed.
Upon arrival to Poznan, you will be informed of your dormitory room number by a porter in the dormitory you were assigned to. Dormitory administration has been informed about your arrival and have prepared rooms for you. You will be able to pick up your room key from the porter. The porter’s office is open 24/7.
Please drop by the dormitory administration office on the next day after your arrival to take care of all formalities. They are open on weekdays between 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Dormitory Administration contact details are available on the following link.
Q: What is the process of reserving a dorm room for next school year?
A: Students currently staying in dorms are required to let us know whether they wish to extend their dorm reservation for next year by April 30 of each year. We are notifying all students of the procedure to do so by mid-April of each year at the latest. This year residents are required to click on the link in their student email box to reserve dorm for next year, and we will most likely apply the same system in the following years.
More information concerning dormitory reservation for next year is available HERE
All graduating students must move out of dorms by July 31.
Residential Advisors (R.A.s) help to provide a safe, quiet environment within each dormitory so that residents have a place that is free from distractions for studying and sleeping. R.A.s work with dorm administrators and porters. R.A.s will insure that students are informed of the dormitory’s rules and regulations upon moving in and will enforce them throughout the year.
Please send all inquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions related to fees
Q: When is the payment deadline for tuition?
A: Please consult the fee structure at:
- Medicine: https://pums.ump.edu.pl/student-zone/student-zone-6-year-md-program/student-zone-6md-tuition-fees.html,
- Dentistry: https://pums.ump.edu.pl/student-zone/student-zone-5-year-dds-program/5dds-tuition-and-costs-of-living.html.
Q: How can I get the dorm deposit back?
A: First of all you should decide how you want to get it back: in cash or by a wire transfer. If you prefer a wire transfer you should provide us with your bank information: the name of the bank, address of the bank, account number and swift code or routing number and send it to the bursary office via e-mail.
Q: Why I am charged statutory interest rates if I have sent the money on Sept. 30?
A: You are charged statutory interest rates because PUMS received the money after the deadline.
Q: What should I do to extend my payment deadline?
A: You should write a letter to the President Grzeskowiak and send it to the bursary office via e-mail. You should write in this letter why you can’t pay your fees on time.
Q: Can I pay the 1st installment of tuition fee in PLN and the 2nd one in USD?
A: Tuition fee should be paid in PLN. For students paying their fees in a currency different from PLN, the amount will be calculated into PLN in accordance with the exchange rate of the University bank.
Q: I have been rejected from the list of PUMS students due to failure to complete 1st year of studies. I’ve missed just Anatomy course. I would like to continue my further education back home and I’m wondering if I can get tuition refund for the first year?
A: Refund of tuition fee is applicable only to students who resign from studies on a specific conditions described in the Agreement between PUMS and student, not to the students who are removed from the list of students due to failure to meet requirements.
Questions related to graduation
Q: What degree will be on the diploma of MD Program graduates?
A: LEKARZ (medical doctor)
Q: Why the degree on the diploma is Lekarz?
A: According to EU regulation the name on the diploma needs to be in the native language of the country where the studies were conducted.
Q: How does the ECFMG verification process look like?
A: After having your diploma legalized in Warsaw you need to send following documents:
-2 photocopies of the diploma in Polish
-2 photocopies of the diploma in English
-1 form 344
-2 forms 345
-1 photograph
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
Attn: Registration and Credentials Services
3624 Market St., 4th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685
You need to include your full name and USMLE/ECFMG ID on the front of all credentials and the back of the photograph before sending to ECFMG.
After ECFMG received those documents, they put you in online system (it usually takes up to 3 weeks for them to process online application). After that is online verification – something what your office administrative does and it takes about 5 days. After that you should receive ECFMG verification needed to start your residency.
Q: Is it necessary to go personally to Warsaw to legalize diplomas?
A: No, you can write an authorization for somebody who takes your diploma in your behalf and attach copy of your passport.
Q: Is it possible to receive extra copies of the diploma?
A: It is not possible to get any extra copies. Graduate receives 1x original diploma in polish, 1x copy in Polish, 1x copy in English.
Q: How much does the diploma cost and where do I pay?
A: The diploma fee amounts to 100 PLN and should be paid to your individual student subaccount. Please remember to include your name and fee description in the payment memo. Bring the proof of payment along when picking up your diploma.
Q: When do I get the diploma?
A: The Dean’s Office has 20 working days to prepare the diploma after receiving all the required documents.
Please see: http://pums.ump.edu.pl/programs/information-for-graduates/
Q: How do I find more information about the LEK/LDEK exam?
A: Please visit the website of CEM (Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w Łodzi) at http://www.cem.edu.pl/
Q: Can someone else pick up my transcript or diploma?
A: Third party recipients must have documentation (i.e. a notarized letter, release of information, power of attorney) from the person whose diploma they are picking up, stating that they are authorized to obtain the diploma/transcript. They must have a current picture ID when they come to get the diploma/transcript.
Q: Can I bring children or other member of my family to the Graduation Ceremony?
A: Yes. However, please be aware that this is a formal occasion, and children could easily become anxious. The Assembly Hall capacity is limited and we cannot ensure a place for members of your family.
Q: How long is graduation ceremony?
A: Ceremony lasts for approximately two hours.