Welcome to PUMS! We have gathered together in one place all the presentations, guides and vital information that can be useful for your initial months as a student and as a newcomer to Poznan. The information has been researched and prepared by the Dean's Office staff with substantial input from our student organizations as well as representatives from other institutions.
Dean's Office Assistance
Whom to contact for assistance?
Dean's Office contact information and faculty search
The Dean's Office is located at 41 Jackowskiego St. and is open to students Mo, Tue, Wed, and Fri at 10:30am to 3:30pm. It serves as a unit that coordinates teaching, registrar's office, issues documents and certificates, and also includes financial section.
Students who have not yet signed their contracts or picked up their student ID cards should do it at the Dean's Office.
All first year students are required to deliver the following documents to the Dean's office by November 30, 2024:
- copy of vaccination records for Hepatitis B,
- proof of valid health insurance,
- copy of valid visa or other document confirming that your stay in Poland is legal (non-EU citizens) / confirmation of registration of residence (citizens of EU, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein),
- PESEL number (can be obtained at Poznan City Hall).
You can deliver above mentioned documents through your class representatives, send scans by e-mail to your class coordinator at the Dean’s Office.
Please also provide your class coordinator with your Polish contact number by October 15, 2024.
Important: Completing Year 1
Important: Students must complete all first year courses in order to advance to the next year. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the university.
On-line services & Student e-mail
Virtual Student Services System (VISUS)
Starting page for all on-line systems available for students at PUMS: electronic transcripts, surveys, financial account, study materials, etc.
Your student e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
It is required to check your student e-mail 2-3 times a week.
Financial Information
University payments are due in Polish currency (PLN) and should be transferred to your individual student subaccount number (as provided during the admission process).
Please note: All bank charges, currency conversion fees and transfer fees are paid by a student. Please include your name in the money transfer memo. International usually take a couple of days to reach the destination account.
PUMS Bursary Office is located at 41 Jackowskiego Str., 60-512 Poznań, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 61 854 74 84
Guides & Presentations
General Information
- Information for incoming students
Counseling and Psychological Assistance
Safety on- and off-campus
- Emergency contact information
- Presentation on personal safety and Polish legal regulations
- Presentation on sexual harassment
Public Transportation
- Dean's Office guide to public transportation in Poznan
- Use your student ID as electronic ticket
- Introduction to city transportation card PEKA
City Support for Internationals Living in Poznań
Visa & Legalization of Stay
If you are already and Poland and need to extend your legal stay you can apply for temporary stay card (equivalent to visa). You will find instructions below to assist in this procedure:
- Presentation by the Immigrations Office
PESEL Number
PESEL number is a unique personal identification number assigned by Polish national administration. It is required for handling certain legal formalities in Poland. You can obtain your PESEL number at offices of Poznań City Hall. Because of the fact that both the website and application form are available only in Polish language, non-Polish speakers will probably need assistance from a Polish speaker. We will be happy to assist you in preparing your application at the Dean's Office.
Application website: https://bip.poznan.pl/bip/sprawy/numer-pesel,240601/,240601/
Quick Contact Links
- Healthcare,
- Free psychological counseling,