School Regulations
Dormitory Regulations for students and doctoral students in the English language programs at Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Student's Ethics Code
The Student’s Ethics Code of Poznan University of Medical Sciences contains moral norms, best practices and basic principles, which, by their nature, do not require justification, to be followed by students in the academic community, as well as in their future social and professional life.
Promoting and observing the Code is the responsibility of every Student and results from the awareness of the importance of observing moral principles and ethical standards in order to achieve the highest academic standards for building a civil society.
The Code is not a mere set of prohibitions and obligations, but it is also a determinant of universal values. The conduct of the Student should bring pride and strengthen the good name of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
I. General Provisions
§ 1
The principles of the Student’s Ethics Code of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, hereinafter referred to as the Code, result from generally accepted moral norms and, in particular, from norms relevant to the ethics of academic education.
§ 2
The English Programs’ Student Union is required to familiarize Students with the principles of the Code and to disseminate them in the academic environment. If necessary, each Student should stand up for these rules.
§ 3
The Student should not participate in any ventures that degrade his or her dignity or the dignity of others, as well as undertake actions that may harm his or her good name or the good name of the academic community or the University.
§ 4
It is the Student’s duty to show respect for the University, expressed, among others, in the vows, as well as in caring for the University’s good name and promoting a good image of the University and its achievements.
§ 5
The Student’s duty is to abide by the obligations imposed on him or her by the Law on Higher Education and the School Regulations of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, and to respect the University’s property and public property.
The Student should show concern for the technical efficiency and aesthetics of the available resources.
§ 6
The following shall be considered particularly reprehensible:
destroying the University property, including didactic rooms, student dormitories and their equipment,
other manifestations of vandalism, both on University premises and elsewhere.
The violation of ethical standards set out in the Code for obtaining benefits is considered particularly reprehensible.
II. Student’s Rights
§ 7
The Student has the right to deepen his or her knowledge and improve his or her skills by taking an active part in classes provided for in the study program, as well as in extracurricular activities and scientific conferences.
§ 8
Moreover, the Student has the right to:
1) equal and proper treatment,
2) fair assessment of his or her knowledge and work effects,
3) respect for the rights granted to him or her by the Law on Higher Education and the School Regulations of Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
4) cooperation with people associated with the University in order to improve its functioning and taking actions enabling the development of the academic community. The Student can achieve this by completing student internships, being a member of scientific associations, supporting the activities of the English Programs’ Student Union and actively participating in student organizations.
III. Student’s Obligations
§ 9
Throughout the whole period of education, the student should thoroughly, conscientiously and persistently acquire knowledge and skills, as well as professional qualifications. The student should strive for self-improvement, using the knowledge and experience of academic teachers and assistance provided by the University
§ 10
The student should honestly and reliably perform his or her duties which include, among others, obtaining credits for subjects, preparing final papers and diploma theses, as well as fulfilling all obligations towards the University by observing the set deadlines.
§ 11
The Student, both before and after graduation, should care for the University’s good name and use the acquired knowledge and skills for the common good.
§ 12
The student should discuss patient information only with medical personnel involved in the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the Student should avoid private conversations in the presence of patients.
IV. Academic Community
§ 13
Bearing in mind every person’s right to be treated with dignity, the Student should be guided by honesty and decency in his or her actions,
observe the rules of good manners and academic customs and represent a high level of personal culture in contact with other people. In contact with patients and their families, the Student should act with tact and empathy.
§ 14
The Student should base relations with other students on respect, kindness, solidarity, loyalty and cooperation. In this way, the Students contribute to the formation of the academic community of the University. A particular violation of these principles are all manifestations of mobbing, harassment and stalking.
§ 15
The Student should support other students in learning, help them in adapting to the conditions of academic life, as well as in learning about and observing the rules prevailing at the University.
§ 16
The Student should show respect towards academic teachers and other employees of the University with his or her attitude and conduct. The following shall be considered particularly reprehensible:
1) repeated and unjustified lack of punctuality,
2) interfering with the course of didactic classes,
3) insulting or disrespectful attitude towards academic teachers, other University employees and other students.
§ 17
The Student’s appearance and dress should express his or her respect for teachers and other students, medical staff and patients with whom the Student comes in contact with. During the designated training, the Student is required to use appropriate protective clothing. For exams, the Student should dress elegantly.
§ 18
The Student should always be responsible for his or her actions and face the negative consequences of his or her own behavior.
§ 19
The Student must not discriminate anyone on grounds of race, nationality, religion, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation. The Student should respect different beliefs and views and use freedom of speech with caution.
§ 20
The Student should oppose all manifestations of evil, aggression and social pathology, as well as dishonest and unethical behavior. The Student should counteract negative phenomena in the academic life.
V. Unethical and Reprehensible Behavior
§ 21
The Students should be guided by honesty in all their actions. The following shall be considered particularly unethical:
1) having other people write the Student’s term papers and other papers,
2) any dishonest behavior aimed at distorting the result of the exam and other forms of verification of knowledge, other than those allowed by the examiner,
3) non-observance of intellectual property rights, use of other people’s materials in the diploma thesis without giving their author,
4) impersonating another person,
5) the abuse of family relationships, personal relationships and protection,
6) the use of private contacts and personal relations with employees of the University,
7) efforts made to obtain undue benefits from the University.
§ 22
Falsifying any signature, stamp or document and the use of such a document is unethical and constitutes a crime.
§ 23
The students are not allowed to record audio and video media on the University premises and distribute materials obtained from teachers outside the University without the consent of the teacher. This prohibition applies strictly during clinical classes with the participation of patients treated in the unit in which the classes are held.
Disciplinary Regulations
Disciplinary responsibility of students
Students are subject to disciplinary liability for any breach of the regulations binding at the University, and their wrongful conduct.
In the event that these regulations are violated, a disciplinary and appeal committee consisting of University teachers and students is created. The procedure is specified in the University Statutes.
Any student may submit a notice of violation of school regulations against a student, or provide reasonable suspicion of committing an act demeaning students' dignity. The notice can be submitted to the Rector of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
Upon receipt of notice of an alleged disciplinary offence by a student, the Rector may:
- refer the case to the students’ disciplinary commissioner to initiate explanatory proceedings. The students’ disciplinary commissioner can stop the proceedings or request a penalty from the disciplinary committee. The students’ disciplinary commissioner may also apply to the Rector for an admonition.
- impose an admonition on the student for minor offences after a prior hearing of the student or their defense counsel.
According to Article 308 of the Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e., Journal of Laws 2020.85, as amended), the Disciplinary Committee may impose a penalty of:
- An admonition (written warning),
- A reprimand,
- A reprimand with a warning,
- A suspension of the student from the university for up to one year,
- Expulsion from the University.
Regulations regarding disciplinary proceedings for students are prescribed in articles 307-321 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.
Additional details are specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 on the detailed procedure of investigation and disciplinary proceedings in student cases, as well as the manner of executing disciplinary penalties and expungement.
PUMS Rector's Regulations
on the appointment of disciplinary commissioners
on the appointment of the Disciplinary Committee for Students and PhD Students
on the appointment of Disciplinary Appeal Committee for Students and PhD Students
The disciplinary process at PUMS is also described in more detail in HASA Protocol
Regulations on Organization of Teaching and Examinations
Resolution No.159/21 of Rector of Poznan University of Medical Sciences of December 21, 2021 on on determining Multiple-Choice Exam Rules and Regulations at PUMS and appendices:
Procedures for electronic examinations held on the OpenOLAT platform,
Procedure for administering online examinations
Rules and regulations for exams administered using information technologies