Useful Information for Incoming Students
Information for Incoming Students 2024
Schedule of Introductory Courses
Facebook group for incoming students
FRESHMEN Survival Guide prepared by EPSU
Orientation week
Orientation week
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the 1st year incoming students arriving to Poznan to start their studies at PUMS! Together with the English Programs' Student Union we have prepared a series of information and social events for the week of September 11 - 17: Orientation week schedule.
Pre-study Course On-Line
The distance learning pre-study course at Poznan University of Medical Sciences usually begins 2 weeks before the orientation week.
The main aim of the course is to revise students’ knowledge in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and to introduce new subject areas in these particular courses, which contribute to the medical studies that the newcomers undertake.
The course will be administered on August 28 - September 15, 2023. Online access will be e-mailed to all admitted students in August.
Please note that students are advised to have access to the Internet once a day every day throughout the duration of the course.
Costs of Living in Poznan
estimated price in PLN |
estimated price in € |
1500-2500PLN |
350-580€ |
76PLN |
18€ |
60PLN |
14€ |
40PLN |
10€ |
150PLN |
35€ |
Dorm assignments for incoming students are prepared with the use of individual surveys available in our online application system. Please make sure you have submitted your survey in order to obtain a room assignment. The assignment information will be e-mailed to you at the beginning of August.
The earliest move-in date is August 25.
The below lists show books that might be used by our teachers in the process of conducting the classes. It is however not suggested to buy any books before receiving detailed information during your first class or in course syllabi.
Booklist for the Medicine Program
Booklist for the Dentistry Program
School fees
Tuition and dormitory fees
for the Medicine Program
for the Dentistry Program
Frequently Asked Questions
related to admissions
related to dorms
related to fees
general questions
Required vaccinations
As mandated by the Polish law, all medical and dental students are required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B and CoViD-19.
Students who have not been vaccinated by the time of the start of classes are required to do so (after your arrival in Poznan) e.g. at the Outpatients Clinic, 39 Przybyszewskiego Str. (next to Eskulap Dormitory) by December 31, 2023.
These vaccinations and the necessary medical checkup are free of charge, but you will have to cover the price of the vaccines.
Students who have already been vaccinated are asked to present the certificate (copy of vaccination records) directly to the doctor at the Outpatients Clinic at 39 Przybyszewskiego Str. (next to Eskulap Dormitory) by December 31, 2023.
Visa Requirements
Visa requirements and resident permits
- All students with dual citizenship, if one is Polish, are required to obtain a Polish passport prior to arriving in Poland. The holders of a valid Polish passport will not need a Polish visa to enter and to stay in Poland. However, they should also bring their other foreign passport as well, since they must use it upon the return to their home countries.
- All other international students intending to study in Poland — who are planning to stay in Poland for a period longer than three months — are required to obtain a Student Visa from the appropriate Polish consulate before arriving in Poland. These visas may be issued for a period of maximum six months.
- Prior to the visa expiration date, students must apply to the Polish authorities for a temporary stay card. This card is valid for a period of maximum 3 years with the possibility of extension.
- The application for a temporary stay card should be submitted to the Polish authorities no later than on the last day before the visa expires.
- An illegal stay in Poland may result in deportation.
Procedures to be followed to obtain the temporary stay card
Non-EU citizenship:
- A filled out application for the temporary stay card that may be obtained from the visa office or on its website https://migrant.poznan.uw.gov.pl/en
The forms must be completed in Polish and submitted in duplicate in person.
The title of the form in Polish: Wzór wniosku o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy. - Four color, up-to-date photos of the applicant taken within the past six months, size 35×45 mm, taken on a plain white background, in full focus, clearly showing the eyes and face from the top of the head to the shoulders, so that the person’s image fills 70 – 80% of the entire frame. The photographs are to provide the person’s portrait without head cover or dark glasses, looking straight ahead with eyes open, closed mouth, and with a relaxed facial expression. Anyone who due to a congenital defect or injury must wear glasses with tinted lenses may do so (the application must be accompanied by evidence of disability, and in its absence, the foreigner’s statement of having a disability). Also, a person who wears head cover according to his/her religious principles may have the photographs taken with the head cover — but in such a way that it would not cover or distort the contours of his/her face (the application must be accompanied by the foreigner’s statement of belonging to a religious community).
- A photocopy of the student’s passport (the original is to be shown at the office).
- A stamp that is proof of covering the costs of issuing the temporary stay card for one-year duration 340 PLN, and the cost of the card itself 25 PLN.
- A certificate from the Dean’s office signed by the Dean that includes:
- a statement confirming that the applicant is a student and providing the expected graduation date (Confirmation from the university of acceptance for studies or continuation of studies as the attachment to the email);
- a statement confirming that the student has paid for his/ her studies or that he/ she is not obliged to pay and for which reason;
- A bank statement from the student’s bank account (in Poland) to confirm that student has the financial means to cover his/ her stay in Poland. The statement should show that the student has at least 635 PLN for each month of his/ her stay in Poland and financial resources necessary to return the country of origin: at least 200 PLN for students from a neighbouring country (ex. Ukraine), 500 PLN for students from non-neighbouring EU-countries and 2500 PLN from non UE countries. First resident card covers the period of 15 months and therefore the student needs to have at least 9 525 PLN on the bank account plus financial resources for returning ticket. If studies take no longer than 15 months, the student is obliged to submit a confirmation of having financial means covering the whole period of his/ her stay in Poland plus 3 months. If a student has a stipend, he is obliged to provide a statement from the institution that granted him/ her the stipend.
- A proof of valid insurance coverage for a year-long stay in Poland.
- The application fees remain the same when students apply for the consecutive extensions of the temporary stay card. The applications for the extensions should be submitted to the visa office no later than on the last day before the expiration date.
- Every international student must receive his/her temporary stay card in person.
European Union or EFTA country citizenship
- A filled out application for the registration of residence of an EU-member state citizen must be completed in Polish and submitted in person. A blank form may be obtained at the Visa Office or on the Internet at https://migrant.poznan.uw.gov.pl/en
The title of the form in Polish: Wzór wniosku o zarejestrowanie pobytu obywatela UE. - A photocopy of a valid travel document/ or passport with a photo.
- A certificate from the Dean’s office signed by the Dean including:
- a statement confirming that the applicant is a PUMS student also providing the expected graduation date;
- a statement confirming that the student has paid for his/ her studies or that he/ she is not obliged to pay and for which reason.
- A proof of valid health insurance coverage for one year.
- No payment/ stamp is necessary.
- A bank statement from the student’s bank account for the past two months.
- The registration certificate will be sent to each student by mail to the address provided in the application.
Contact information for the Immigrations Office:
Wielkopolska Voivodship Office in Poznań DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGNERS
Plac Wolności 17, ground floor entrance A
Poznan, Poland
Tel. + 48 61 850 87 77
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- submitting applications for students from a country that IS NOT a member of the European Union is only possible following an appointment via the Internet. It is required to make an appointment in advance well before the visa expires
- submitting applications for students from countries that ARE members of the European Union is only possible following an appointment via the Internet (website: rejestracja.poznan.uw.gov.pl and selecting option D – Submitting an application for registering the residence) - it is recommended to set an appointment in advance
Office hours:
Monday 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Application can be submitted at the address above or in each of the branches of the Wielkopolska Voivodship Office:
- Kalisz - ul. Kolegialna 4, 62-800 Kalisz
- Konin - ul. Aleje 1 Maja 7, 62-510 Konin
- Leszno - Plac Kościuszki 4, 64-100 Leszno
- Piła – Al. Niepodległości 33/35,64-920 Piła
Shengen zone requirements
Schengen Visas, with a C mark, authorize students to enter and stay in the Schengen member countries for no longer than 90 days within 180 days period.
The Polish visas with a D mark, issued by the Polish consuls will permit the entry and stay in Poland, but also to travel to Schengen zone countries for no longer than 90 days for tourist purpose only. The Polish visas will remain valid until their expiration date (but no longer than number of days mentioned on the visa).
Citizens of the non-Schengen zone countries have to meet specific requirements in order to enter the Schengen zone states:
- Hold a valid travel document and a visa if it is required from the citizens of a given country
- Specify the destination country.
- Possess appropriate funds for the duration of the stay in Poland and for the return to the home country.
- The person who is planning to enter the Schengen zone must not be identified and listed in the The Schengen Information System (SIS) as an undesirable person or a person who poses a threat to the public.
Health Insurance
Health insurance requirements and healthcare resources for students
International students staying in Poland are required to have a valid health insurance policy for emergency incidents and day-to-day healthcare. A student’s failure to obtain a health insurance policy absolves the University from responsibility for covering the cost of a their medical treatment in Poland.
All students are required to deliver a proof of holding a valid certificate of health insurance to the Dean’s Office.
Citizens of European Union and EFTA countries:
European Union citizens who hold the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a replacement certificate can receive free health care services from any doctor contracted by the National Health Fund (NFZ).
Non-EU students - how to sign your agreement for voluntary health insurance with the NFZ:
Students from outside EU should sign voluntary Health Insurance Agreement with the regional NFZ office:
Wielkopolski Oddział Wojewódzki NFZ
ul. Piekary 14/15 room 304, 61 – 823 Poznań
tel. +61 655 44 44 , fax +61 850 60 80
The following documents will be required to sign the agreement:
- certificate of enrollment (request it at the Dean's Office)
- Identity document (passport or resident card)
- At the doctor’s office:
- students who have PESEL number can proof that they are insured through the electronic system eWUŚ;
- students who do not have PESEL number can submit a statement about their insurance status (statement forms should be provided by the doctor) or present a copy of the agreement along with the last month payment sheet
The PESEL ID card may be obtained at the Poznan City Hall, Urząd Miasta. You are required to present a proof of residency, dowód zameldowania, a certificate issued to you by the same office in the Poznań City Hall, based on the student dormitory ID received by you from the dormitory administration, or based on a copy of the rental agreement signed by you and your landlord. The PESEL ID number is an absolute requirement for your free access to the family physician and different clinics, and also for getting prescriptions.
Step 1: signing an agreement with the National Health Fund. Monthly contribution for students: currently PLN 55.80.
Step 2: mandatory registration of the agreement with the Social Security Agency [Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, ZUS] through submission of ZUS ZZA form filled in by the student within 7 days at the Social Security Agency competent for the place of domicile. Please remember to fill in field 01 in section VIII (of the ZUS ZZA form) with the following symbol of the National Health Fund office: 15R – National Health Fund, Provincial Branch of the Wielkopolska Province in Poznań
Step 3: monthly payment of contributions to the Social Security Agency’s account, until the 15th day of each consecutive month for the previous month, and sending the ZUS DRA settlement form to the Agency.
Termination of the agreement by the student can be completed through submission of a written statement at the NFZ office and filled in ZWUA form at the Social Security Agency – this is necessary as outstanding contributions are charged with interest for 30 days from termination of payments. Further information can be obtained at: phone no.: (+4861) 655 44 44, (+4861) 658 04 18 www.nfz-poznan.pl www.zus.gov.pl
Polish citizens
Polish students can be insured by the University - please visit the Center for Medical Education in English to register.
Need to make a doctor's appointment or use other health services? Visit this website for more information.