Student Accommodation
PUMS dormitories are located within walking/biking distance from most of the University hospitals, teaching facilities, sports facilities and the library. They are also quite close to Poznan downtown and include a private cafeteria, laundry facilities, internet access, study rooms and social rooms, parking, etc. The student housing is protected by campus security. Our dorm community is also supported by a dedicated English-language Resident Advisory team, made up of student volunteers.
Accommodation offer for PUMS students in Poznan city center - The Eagle private dormitory
Dear students,
we would like to inform you about accommodation options at The Eagle private dormitory located in Poznan at Al. Niepodleglosci 6.
You can find more information and book the accommodation on https://www.magisrent.pl/projects/the-eagle
PUMS Dormitory Administration
Accommodation in Dormitory
There are four dormitories designated for housing of the students in the English language programs at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences — Eskulap, Medyk, Aspirynka and Karolek.
All of them are located quite close to the Poznan downtown and reasonably close to the University hospitals and the school premises. Listed below is each one of them with some relevant details, addresses, and contact information.
It is rather typical of Central European universities that certain school buildings are scattered throughout the city. And this is the case here as well where the dormitories, various school buildings, hospitals, clinics, libraries, teaching centers, and laboratories, which are part of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, are not all located within the boundaries of a single campus area — but are all easily accessible on public transportation.
Starting from the 14th of September 2023 we are changing the system of laundry system in Aspirynka, Medyk and Karolek dormitory, we are introducing washers/dryers where payment for using the washing mashine (5 zl) and drying machine (5 zl) is by card only. If you have any problems, please contact Customer Service line at +48797298000
– equipped with a cafeteria – is a brand new building located also very close to Eskulap, Medyk, and Aspirynka.
The address:
Dom Studencki Karolek
ul. Rokietnicka 5 E
60-806 Poznan
tel. +48 61 844 5202 (administration), +48 61 844 5204 (porter's office 24h)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
<<currently in renovation>>
is the largest student dormitory with accommodations for 800 students. It is a multi-story building with a modern fitness center offering many recreational activities and amenities.
The address:
Dom Studencki Eskulap
ul. Przybyszewskiego 39
60-356 Poznan
tel. +48 61 844 5201 (administration), tel. +48 61 658 4001 (porter's office 24h)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The address:
Dom Studencki Medyk
ul. Rokietnicka 4
60-806 Poznan
Administration office is on the ground floor of Aspirynka
tel. +48 61 844 5203 (administration), tel. +48 61 658 4119 (porter's office in Aspirynka)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The address:
Dom Studencki Aspirynka
ul. Rokietnicka 6
60-806 Poznan
tel. +48 61 844 5203 (administration), tel. +48 61 658 4119 (porter's office 24h)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dormitory fees 2024/2025
DOUBLE ROOM (spot) |
730 PLN** |
2000 PLN |
by the 15th day of each month |
1460 PLN** |
DOUBLE ROOM (spot) |
710 PLN** |
1420 PLN** |
1180 PLN* |
DOUBLE ROOM (spot) |
830 PLN* |
1660 PLN* |
* plus meter charges for cold and hot water and electricity, as well as laundry fees
**plus laundry fees
Fee for leaving the room in a worse condition than the one existing upon moving in amounts to 700 PLN.
Visitor pass for no longer than 2 nights – 21,60 PLN/night
Storage room
Residents of PUMS dormitories have the option to use a storage facility located in PUMS Central Storage at 27 Marcelinska Street. Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-2:30PM Telephone number: 618547165 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the academic year 2022/2023 students will not be charged for depositing their belongings in the PUMS Storage Room.
The Storage Room Regulations for Residents of Dormitories at Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
1. The Storage Room Regulations for residents of dormitories at Poznan University of Medical Sciences define the rules of depositing personal property at the school facility, further referred to as the Storage Rooms and specifies the duties of the keeper of the Storage Room, further referred to as “The Storage Room Keeper”.
2. The storage room is available to use only for the purpose of a time-limited storage of property.
Definition of terms used in the Regulations:
1) The Regulations – Regulations of using the Storage Rooms for residents of Dormitories at Poznan University of Medical Sciences;
2) University – Poznan University of Medical Sciences;
3) Storage Room – the room in which personal property will be stored;
4) The Storage Room Keeper – the person assigned for taking and giving back personal property;
5) Personal property – belongings of residents deposited at the Storage Room;
6) Resident – a student enrolled at Poznan University of Medical Sciences provided with dormitory accommodation on PUMS campus;
7) Dormitory – the dormitory of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
1. Residents of dormitories mentioned in § 2, pt. 6 are entitled to use the storage facility.
2. PUMS students who are not legally entitled to live in PUMS dormitories are not allowed to use the Storage Room.
1. The Storage Room is located in the PUMS Central Storage at 27 Marcelinska Street.
2. The Storage Room is run by the Storage Room Keeper. This person is not responsible for the possessions left in the Storage Room.
1. The Resident who wants to locate his/her belongings in the Storage Room is required to contact the Storage Room Keeper whose contact information is published and made available to dormitory residents by the managers of dormitories.
2. While deposing personal possessions at the Storage Room, the Resident is required to:
a) present his/her identity document;
b) declare the date of picking up personal possessions from the Storage Room (subject to the provisions defined in point 3)
c) submit two copies of a written statement according to the sample statement attached to this Regulations (Attachment 1) – one copy remains at the Storage Room, the other one will constitute an entitlement for the pickup of personal possessions from the Storage Room.
3. The period of storing the personal possessions cannot be longer than the study break resulting from the organization of the academic year (holiday, practical training, etc.).
4. The personal possessions deposited at the Storage Room must be packed in a way that protects them against damage and suitably labeled and marked (with the name, last name of the owner and his/her Student ID number). The resident is also entitled to enclose the list of deposited items and assess their approximate value according to attachment no. 1. The Storage Room Keeper will photograph the personal possession deposited at the Storage Room in the presence of the Resident.
5. Because of the limited cubic capacity of the Storage Room, the allowed number and size of personal possessions deposited by a Resident may be subject to limitation.
6. The assessment of the condition of marking and protecting the personal possessions against damage will be conducted by the Storage Room Keeper.
7. The Storage Room Keeper decides about the place of locating personal possessions in the Storage Room considering their size and storage period.
8. Students are not allowed to deposit:
a) important documents and valuable materials such as: money, securities, jewelry and items of scientific or artistic value;
b) dangerous materials (toxic, poisonous, explosives, drugs, weapon etc.);
c) things and substances with short validity period, e.g. food;
d) furniture;
e) animals;
f) things and materials forbidden by law (for example things previously stolen, illegal copies of films, music and computer programs; pornographic materials, etc.).
9. Storing the personal possessions at the Storage Room is payable according to price list attachment no. 2 to the Regulations.
The personal possessions will be delivered only by the Storage Room Keeper upon presenting the document confirming the deposit of personal possessions.
1. The person allowed to pick up the personal possessions from the Storage Room is the owner of this possessions or a person authorized by him/her, whose personal data were given while depositing the personal possessions at the Storage Room.
2. The person who picks up the possessions is required to authenticate his/her personal data by presenting his/her ID.
3. The owner agrees that the deposited possessions which have not been picked up by the declared date will be destroyed after two months from the declared date of pick-up.
4. The destruction of the possessions will be conducted after sending two written letters or e-mails calling the owner to pick up the personal possessions, sent every 14 days.
In case of damaging or losing the personal possessions at the Storage Room the dispute will be resolved amicably between the Authorities of PUMS and the owner of personal possessions.
The Storage Room Keeper:
1) assures of functioning of the deposit;
2) takes care of proper protection of the Storage Room;
3) reports immediately to the Head of Dormitory all damages in Storage Room protection;
4) keeps record of the personal possessions deposited and picked up from the Storage Room according to the attachment no. 1 to the Regulations;
5) makes the Resident who wants to deposit his/her personal possessions at the Storage Room aware of the Regulations;
6) verifies the possessions deposited according to rules specified in § 5;
7) immediately reports to the Head of Dormitory any instances of depositing possessions specified in § 5, point 8.
1. Prior to depositing the possessions at the Storage Room the Residents are required to read and agree to the Regulations.
2. The Storage Room Keeper has the right to refuse to take the possessions to the Storage Room in situations of not abiding the Regulations.
3. The Resident shall be responsible for the results of not abiding the Regulations.
In matters not covered by the above Regulations relevant provisions of the Civil Code shall be applied.
Living in the dormitory
After arriving in Poznan, you will most likely move into one of the University dormitories – Eskulap, Medyk, Aspirynka and Karolek. Each room is furnished with beds, a table, chairs, desks, wardrobe, shelves, bedding, and a refrigerator.
The following facilities are also available in the dormitories: a kitchen, a TV room, and a laundry room, and quiet study rooms.
The University provides a free high-speed Internet connection in every dormitory room.
After you move in, you will need to register with the administration of your dormitory. Below are the specific room numbers for the administrative offices in the respective dormitories, whose office hours are 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.:
Eskulap, Room 1
Aspirynka and Medyk, Room 20 in Aspirynka
Karolek, Room 2.7
In order to obtain the dormitory resident ID card, you are required to present to the dormitory administration your passport and provide one passport-size photograph.
Your mailing address for personal correspondence will be formatted as shown below:
Your names e.g.: Muriel C. Brown
Room number Room/Pokój 45
Dormitory name ESKULAP
Full street address (ul.=ulica=street) ul. Przybyszewskiego 39
Zip code and city 60-356 Poznan
Country, if applicable Poland
Residential Advisor (R.A.) system at PUMS
The purpose of the R.A. system is to promote an environment in the dormitory which facilitates studying and sleeping, and also community. In addition, R.A.s are also expected to act in the best interests of their residents. Residents can therefore approach R.A.s with any kind of problem: room mate conflicts, questions about the university, help with personal issues, safety and security, suggestions for improvement of the dormitory or RA systems, and so on. R.A.s will try to help the resident solve the problem or, if that is not possible, to point the resident to someone else that can help.
The information about R.A. duties hours will be posted on laminated posters on dorm entrances and updated on daily basis.
Please send all inquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PUMS Dormitoies official Instagram page: @pums.dormitories
How to properly recycle waste in dormitories
Click for bigger versions of the images:
Eskulap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVHcWHMzGv0
Medyk/Aspirynka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci4pJHu8QC8
Spots available in PUMS Dormitories
All information regarding room availability is posted below. Rooms are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
You must come to the dorm administration of the respective dormitory to claim your room. We do not offer any other form of room assignments, it is not possible to claim your room by e-mail or phone.
Check-in is possible during administration office working hours ONLY (Monday to Friday 7:15AM-3PM). If any of these administration offices is closed, then you can visit the Aspirynka administration office within the same working hours.
In order to obtain the dormitory resident ID card, you are required to present to the dormitory administration your passport and provide one passport-size photograph.
Due to Eskulap renovations and limited room availability, single occupancy of double room is offered until the end of June 2025 only.
Room availability:
KAROLEK - spots in double room available, single occupancy of double room available
MEDYK - spots in double room available, single occupancy of double room available
Aspirynka- female spot in double room available, single occupancy of double room available