Emergency Numbers
University emergency number
+48 61 854 76 36
In case of health and life threatening incidents taking place on the campus of our University when you need a Polish and English speaking person, use the following ALARM TELEPHONE to get in contact with the 24 hour Security Post Patrol.
24 hour Security Post Patrol is located in PUMS Library and Congress Center at 37 Przybyszewskiego St. in Poznań.
National emergency numbers
Emergency number from mobile phones – 112
Police – 997
Fire brigade – 998
Ambulance – 999
Reporting criminal incidents
Students staying in university dormitories or in close vicinity can contact the nearest police station:
Komisariat Policji Poznań – Grunwald
2 Rycerska Street
60-346 Poznań
tel. (+ 48) 61 84-121-11,
(+ 48) 61-84-121-12
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HQ of Municipal Police in Poznan (Komenda Miejska Policji w Poznaniu) - it's possible to set up a meeting with them to report a crime/ offence and have them arrange a sworn translation for this appointment too. They also have a unit directly handling discrimination-related cases:
2 Szylinga Street
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RECEPTION TEL. (61) - 841 - 56 - 92
secretary office: +61 841 56 00 (Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm)
Dormitory contact information
D.S. “KAROLEK” 5E Rokietnicka St., 60-806 Poznań
Porter’s phone number: (+48) 61 844 52 04
D.S. “ASPIRYNKA” 6 Rokietnicka St., 60-806 Poznań
Porter’s phone number: (+48) 61 844 52 04
D.S. “MEDYK” 4 Rokietnicka St., 60-806 Poznań
Porter’s phone number: (+48) 61 844 52 04 (porter's room available only in D.S. "ASPIRYNKA")
D.S. "ESKULAP” 39 Przybyszewskiego St., 60-356 Poznań
Porter’s phone number: (+48) 61 658 40 01