Medical & Psychological Assistance
Studying abroad and leaving one’s support network back home can, naturally, be difficult. This is why English-speaking psychologists and advisors are available to our international students free of charge all year long. The CAPS – Counseling and Psychological Services – support students, their performance and well-being during their time at PUMS.
Medical Assistance
Family Doctor
The University provides Basic Medical Care for English Programs’ students who want to visit GP/family doctor upon prior registration* at the Center for Medical Education in English (Mon-Fri).
Make an appointment via:
Anna Tomczak
Tel: 61 854 72 24
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doctor’s Office is situated at the Clinical Hospital at 49 Przybyszewskiego St. (building R – behind drugstore, ground floor, on the right side).
*Polish speaking students need not register in advance and are welcome to visit the clinic from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Before each consultation with a doctor you are required to provide all needed documents:
Students insured by NFZ:
valid passport, valid health insurance certificate (agreement with NFZ), current payment for NFZ health insurance
Students from European Union:
valid passport, EKUZ (EU students) or a bill (payable in the cashier desk, building E, ground floor)
Other students:
valid passport, a bill (payable in the cashier desk, building E, ground floor)
without valid EHIC card or individual contract with the NFZ (with proof of current payment) student must pay for the visit before entering the doctor’s office and all possible examinations and medicines are paid from student’s own resources. Based on the bill student can obtain reimbursement from the insurance policy.
Specialist medical care
Specialist medical care is available to students only in private clinics:
Hospital & Outpatient Clinic
Grunwaldzka Street 156
60-309 Poznań
phone: +48 (61) 8-604-200
Lux Med
18 Roosevelta Str.
60-829, Poznań
61 845 11 11 or 12
42 Polwiejska Str.
61-888, Poznań
1A Wichrowa Str.
60-449, Poznań
61 651 34 50
24-hour nationwide reservation:
22 33 22 888
If you experience any problems with finding specialist care, please contact:
Anna Tomczak
Tel: +48 61 854 72 24
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Free OB/GYN services provided by the city at Al. Solidarności 36 in Poznań
Registration: http://posum.pl/punkt-profilaktyki-intymnej-24h/
phone registration: +48 61 647 77 25
English-speaking psychiatrist: Dr. Marcin Górniak, M.D., Ph.D.
Mobile (+48) 697 523 730
please text for appointment
Hepatitis B vaccinations
All first year students are required to be vaccinated against hepatitis B for their own protection.
- Students who have not already been vaccinated can do so at the doctor's office in Clinical Hospital at 49 Przybyszewskiego St. (building R - behind drugstore, ground floor, on the right side).
Make an appointment via:
Anna Tomczak
Tel: 61 854 72 24
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Students who have already been vaccinated are asked to present the certification directly to the doctor (Outpatient Clinic of PUMS, 39 Przybyszewskiego St., next to Eskulap dormitory).
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
PUMS offers counseling and psychological services to students in the English language programs. The mission of CAPS is to support students and their performance during their studies by providing psychological counseling services.
The counselors and psychologists may be contacted by any student seeking help with such issues as cultural adaptation and learning problems, adaptation to life in a foreign country, personal crises, coping with stress, dormitory issues, social problems, interpersonal problems, or personal relationship issues.
CAPS color codes (click on image for larger version):
CAPS offers up to 20 sessions free of charge for each student.
Psychological counseling
If you need help in the following areas:
- problems with cultural adaptation and learning issues
- adaptation to life in a foreign country
- personal life crises
- coping with stress
- interpersonal problems at school
- relationship issues
- coping with pregnancy loss, loss of a baby or a person close to you
- psychosomatic disorders
- sexual problems and dysfunctions
- dependency and codependency
- eating disorders
- drugs or other substance addictions
Please call for appointment:
Róża Guźniczak, M.A.
Psychotherapist, psychologist
+48 669 353 737
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Alicja Dominiak, M.A.
Psychotherapist, psychologist
+48 537 684 911
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Nadia Kruszyńska, Ph.D.
*emergencies only*
Psychotherapist, clinical psychologist
+48 501 215 139
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Kata Dorottya Pál
*low-intensity support*
Counselling psychologist
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Counseling sessions are kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any third persons or University staff.
Accommodations For Students With Disabilities
1. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or meet the university disability advisor personally (call +48 601 446 315 to schedule a visit).
2. Send over your medical documents detailing your disability. The documents should be issued within the last 12 months.
3. The disability advisor will coordinate with the Dean’s Office. An additional medical specialist visit might be required to evaluate what accommodations will be optimal.
4. After reviewing the diagnosis and recommendations, the disability advisor recommends special accommodations.
5. The decision is taken by the Director of Center for Medical Education in English and e-mailed to the student. The student has the right to appeal the decision to the University President.
A copy of the document will be stored in the University Office of Disability Services.
Harassment & Assault Student Advocacy
The PUMS HASA – Harassment and Assault Student Advocacy is there to serve our community. Harassment of any form both in and out of campus is taken seriously at PUMS.
Below is a flowchart showing the process after an anonymous report is filed through HASA.
The detailed HASA Protocol and Timeline is defined in this PDF file.
If you or any of your friends are target of harassment, please reach out to any of the RAs in your dorms or email us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hasa_pums/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HASApums/
How to respond to sexual harassment?
> Free OB/GYN services provided by the city at Al. Solidarności 36 in Poznań
Registration: http://posum.pl/punkt-profilaktyki-intymnej-24h/
phone registration: +48 61 647 77 25
> Poznan’s English-speaking emergency contact: 112
Psychological and Legal Help outside PUMS
If you are a victim of a crime, you can find psychological and legal help:
Fundacja Dziecko w Centrum (Child in the Center Foundation), which is the Regional Victim Crisis Center in Poznan
9/3 Zeylanda Str., 60-808 Poznan
Open: Mon – Sat, 8.00am – 8.00pm
Tel. 539 106 106 – office hours of the first-contact specialist
Tel. 786 160 100 – telephone office hours at 8.00pm – 8.00am, Sundays and holidays
Punkt Interwencji Kryzysowej (Crisis Intervention Center) in Poznan – legal help
30 Niedziałkowskiego Str., 61-578 Poznan
Tel. 061 835 48 65, 061 835 48 66 – 24-hour
Terenowy Komitet Ochrony Praw Dziecka (Local Office of Children’s Rights Protection Committee) in Poznan – legal specialists in family law, and help for the victims of crimes. The meeting with a legal advisor can be arranged by phone:
tel. 61 855-22-78, 509-913-992
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
97/8 Garbary Str., Poznan
Advisors speak Polish, English and German. While arranging a meeting, please specify what language should be used as some advisors speak only English, and some German.